
Brand Development

Circle B brand

Developing a brand identity and building customer loyalty through branding involves more than crafting a logo.  Creating a brand for your company’s products or services requires different elements to come together.  It may require a culture shift within your company.  It certainly involves a commitment to the process of building and sustaining your brand.  It also takes some money!

Brand Irons works with start-up and emerging companies, as well as existing businesses to bring the corporate team together and brainstorm on brand concepts for a new product line or existing area of service.  Our strategic design process is tailored to your needs, whether retail, manufacturing, service, or other category.

The strategy can be followed by an implementation phase and monitoring to ensure the brand and effort is sustainable. You want your market share to grow with customers loyal to your brand for generations.

The ultimate objective is to create a brand that becomes the leader, gains the majority of market share, and enables the passion of your idea to generate more revenue streams for your company.

Contact Brand Irons at (920) 366-6334 to schedule a strategy discussion, either by phone or face-to-face. Due to robo-calls, if your call is not answered, please send an E-mail to with the word Help! in the subject line.