Tag Archives: business excitement

Brand Enthusiasm

Creating enthusiasm for your brand begins with you.  The consciousness you want consumers to have about and for your product or service flows through you and your company into the marketplace.

The energy and creative power of your actions are essential for your business, products, and services to permeate and imbue the culture you want to build around your brand.

A basic energy level is one of acceptance.  Acceptance as it relates to marketing your brand means you are content with the position you have and get by with doing what you need to do to establish and maintain market share.  You may have an audience that is aware of your brand and supports your products and services, but the energy level is low.  Unfortunately, a majority of businesses generate this basic level of energy about their products and services.  It is due more to a lack of understanding of how to take it up a level than it is the desire or willingness to add to the bottom line.

If you ramp things up a notch, the energy level turns to excitement about your products and/or services.  The energy you generate because you are enjoying what you are doing makes every aspect of your business come alive.  Your joy shines through in the activities of the day and, as a result, flow through you to the people and customers around you.  People enjoy being around you and your glow reaches out through a deep sense of being alive and finding great value in every moment.  That feeling of excitement is contagious and when people are excited about you, your products and services, the cash register rings.

The acceptance energy level is a basic requirement for being in business, while the level of excitement is the minimum requirement for developing your brand.  They are unlikely to guarantee great success or broad brand acceptance, but without them the chances of failure certainly increase.

enthusiasmWhere the energy level for your brand needs to, and must, be to grow and sustain your brand is the level of outright enthusiasm!  This is where you have taken your excitement for your brand and developed goals you want to achieve that are measurable, smart, and within reach.  These goals convey your vision for the brand and your enthusiasm.  Dedication to achieving those goals adds intensity and super-powered energy to their pursuit.  You bring the creative power of the universe to bear and generate a tsunami effect for your products or services.

Your enthusiasm engulfs others; your employees, your vendors, your customers, your prospective customers, and the general public.  When you meet obstacles with enthusiasm, like a massive wave you either go around them, encompass them and they move with you, or they are washed away.  You become unstoppable as long as you have that enthusiasm, remain motivated, and are one with the universe.

Creating the enthusiasm for your brand begins with your goals for the brand, which should be dynamic and connected to your market.  Then the energy you transmit must flow in such a way as to inspire and enrich people’s lives so they, in turn, are swept up in the enthusiasm for your brand.

An exceptional resource is Eckhart Tolle’s book, A New Earth:  Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose, that has proven valuable in determining successful approaches to marketing your business when you read it from that perspective.  Tolle also wrote The Power of Now!

The Bible also has a great viewpoint to consider, from Mark 11:24:  “Whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”

If you need help on how to build your brand, contact Brand Irons at (920) 366-6334.